Security is a core element of the organizational DNA of NSS, which was explicitly created to serve the needs of the United States Defense, Intelligence, and Law Enforcement Communities. Our secure channeling solution replicates an instance of our IDEMIA Identity & Security affiliate -- the highest-volume FBI-approved channeling application -- to create a separate NSS-maintained instance in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) GovCloud. This provides a US-persons only channeling solution with designed to meet Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) High certification requirements.
NSS' high security channeling solution is built to mirror the nation’s largest channeling base. It operates in a secure, FEDRAMP-certified cloud environment that is expandable to handle increasing processing volumes and operational load. The NSS technical solution is based on the software and services our affiliate currently provides under the FBI Channeler and TSA UES programs.
Transactions from the Authorized Recipient (AR) and Authorized Individual (AI) are captured in electronic form—or, for Departmental Orders (DOs), in paper form for scanning and electronic submission—validated, then securely stored in the AWS GovCloud for transmission to the FBI for approval. After responding to the submitter, we follow the FBI’s requirements for auditing, storing, and deleting transactions. Our secure channeling solution delivers the business logic and workflows required to effectively perform submission receipt, validation, storage, logging, and transmission to the FBI CJIS Division. We disseminate responses to ARs and handle transaction maintenance, logging, and reporting.
- The FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) program partner, NSS, has established a direct channeling solution to support classified and highly sensitive customers and programs.
- NSS built NGI on a scalable platform that supported 37+ million noncriminal justice transactions and 4.42M fingerprint transactions in 2019.
- Our secure channeling solution is built upon a mature and modernized infrastructure from the collection point to the back end. It includes the FBI-approved, FedRAMP-certified cloud architecture.
- Our solution replicates a separate instance of the FBI-approved Channeling application in the AWS GovCloud – upgrading the security of the application to meet FISMA High requirements.